
What are the five types of magazines available?

The magazines are generally used to inspire, inform, educate, and entertain audiences around the world. New Hampshire News is a newspaper magazine that contains multiple articles on different news topics within it. The types include

  • General Interest
  • Business
  • Tech
  • Health
  • Entertainment

General Interest

This type provides information of general interest about what’s happening around the world. It is helpful for people who wish to get information about the happenings around the world. They cover broad topics without providing a brief explanation of current affairs topics. They provide the news written by journalists, freelancers, or the staff of the magazine. If you need to get detailed information about a piece of particular news, you can get brief information about the particular topic by clicking the news. This general interest is quite attractive.

All people can find all of the world’s happenings on this page, and New Hampshire Review shares all of the news over it instantly to cover people with true and fast sharing news online. 


In this category, the magazine is dedicated to sharing information about a particular business area. They share only business-related news about all types of business in it. it includes

  • Accounting Banking
  • Finance
  • International Business
  • Management
  • Marketing and sale
  • Real estate
  • And other small business

They explore different types of businesses and provide the latest news and reviews about the business on current trends in the business world. This business blog offers the readers all the business information and the economic state. So, you can calculate the business drive over the world.

New Hampshire Magazine


The Tech blog is to share the new tech innovation made recently. It is more beneficial for the student to know about the new tech innovation and enhance their knowledge. Not only for students, but this is also beneficial for all tech lovers.


Health blog shares health-related news specifically. The news includes new medicine for a particular disease, health tips by doctors, and birth and death-based news over global in it. It can help the person to get a more general knowledge about medical development around the world.


It is usually glossy and provides entertainment for the reader, it includes movie and entertainment stories, scandals, gossip, and exclusives about the celebrities in this field. It also provides fashion, cultural criticism, beauty, and shopping guides in the blog to entertain the reader with attractive pictures.

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